A journey of traditional tea craftsmanship

Our Story

What are your childhood memories? 

When I was a child, my grandfather often took me to work in the tea garden.

When I was a kid, my grandpa used to take me to the tea garden. Picture this – blue sky, fluffy clouds, chirping insects, and the sweet smell of tea leaves in the breeze. But now, extreme weather is messing things up globally. Storms are fiercer, and it gets scorching hot or bone-chilling cold unexpectedly.

Looking back over 30 years, our founder decided to tweak how we make tea. They rolled up their sleeves and dug into finding better ways to grow it, like having a heart-to-heart with the soil and water. This isn't just about being eco-friendly; it's about being buddies with nature. And guess what? It's working! Our tea not only tastes great but also carries the essence of those childhood memories.

So, here we are – making tea, keeping things cool, simple, and just as sweet, all while being mindful of the wild weather ride the world is on. We are INHERIGIN.

Our Purpose

At Inherigin, we're on a mission to redefine tea craftsmanship. By rediscovering traditional tea-processing and farming methods, we've harnessed a synergy between technology and nature. Optimal soil and water quality not only enhance our teas but also increase the carbon sink, reflecting our commitment to sustainability. Join us in savoring the taste of tradition, crafted with a vision for a greener future.


The word Halal in Arabic means permitted or lawful. It is used to reference any behavior or object permitted under Islamic law. We guarantee that our tea products, starting from the source, meet the food requirements of Halal Certification. It is clean, hygienic, and safe.

Safety and Quality Standards

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP)

它是一套強調須先分析明瞭食 品製造過程中可能出現之危 害,並於製程中找出重要管制 點在食品製造時即予以控制, 使危害不致發生於最後成品內 的預防系統,換言之就是藉由 預防控制來確保成品的安全。

ISO 14067

產品碳足跡的量化原則與標 準,盤查並分析產品生命週期 各階段的溫室氣體排放量。


清真認證產品係依據伊斯蘭教法訂 出之食用品原料成份、加工製造、 清潔衛生管理及包裝儲運等規範而 產製並且在食品中,不論原料、半 成品或成品,微生物的檢測是基礎 安全和品質的確認,食品指標性病 原菌-腸桿菌科
(Enterobacteriaceae)及基礎的 微生物三項檢測,使用國際食品管 理方式